Book an Appointment

Personal 1:1 Call:

Until further notice, you'll have 30 minutes of dedicated one-on-one time with me, for FREE.
Yes you read correctly, completely free.

Two Session Options:
Choose the session that resonates with you.
The first option, offers a confidential, non-judgmental sounding board, where you can share your experiences and receive gentle suggestions if desired.
The second option, lets you pick my brain, asking questions based on my experiences and how I have navigated life's challenges so that you feel more comfortable going through yours.
I also offer an optional complimentary 5 minute prayer at the end of the session.

What I will do my best to provide:
In these virtual sessions (you can opt for camera on or camera off), you'll uncover a sanctuary that is both secure and inviting, where your unique experiences are held in the highest regard. Here, you'll encounter profound compassion and an unwavering commitment to ensuring you are not just heard, but truly understood. My interactions will emulate heartfelt conversations with a trusted confidant. I offer a distinctive fusion of peer-like engagement, enriched by my personal journey and faith, marked by utmost transparency and openness. You can anticipate receiving guidance and support that not only resonates with your own experiences but also fosters emotional connections. These resources will empower you, nurturing the courage and resilience needed to confront similar challenges or experiences in your own life. As an optional bonus, we'll intentionally infuse the space at the end of the session, with the comforting and nurturing embrace of God's love.

Important Note:
While I am an empathetic and experienced guide, it's crucial to remember that I am not a clinical mental health professional. If you have specific mental health needs, please seek professional support that aligns with your requirements.

If this resonates you are invited to schedule in your 1:1 consultation with me. :)