About Me

You can call me T ;)
At 33 years young, London is my home.

I wear various hats, each holding a special place in my heart.
I'm a Christian, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, and mentor, among other roles.
As you might have gathered, I'm also a speaker and writer.

My heritage is a captivating blend of cultures: my mother is from Grenada, while my father's parent’s are from Holland and New Zealand. Interestingly, I've had the pleasure of visiting all these places except for Holland, a plan I'm eager to rectify soon!

My love for animals has translated into a fair share of cats in my life but I don’t wish to own any pets in future. I come from a diverse family, the baby of five siblings. I have one sister and three brothers. I am my dad’s only child. I admit I've been a bit spoilt growing up and really savour princess treatment.
I am raising two wonderful boys and I was married for nearly a decade.

Academically, I hold a degree in Psychology and Politics. Back in school, my favourite subjects were English, Art, Religious Studies, and Philosophy.
Currently, I work part-time as a Project Coordinator in both Primary and Secondary schools.
I offer mentorship to boys, especially those coming from marginalized and underprivileged backgrounds. My true passion lies in nurturing young people, a calling I've followed for over a decade, serving as a mentor and counsellor in pastoral and educational capacities.
My heart is especially drawn to empowering women during this season of my life.

I have a natural talent for drawing and painting, and I take great pleasure in losing myself in a good book and find fulfillment in studying the Bible. A cinephile at heart, I enjoy movies of nearly all genres, except for horror—I have no tolerance for that! As a self-proclaimed foodie, exploring new restaurants with close friends is a cherished pastime. Italian cuisine, especially seafood pasta, holds a special place in my heart. Music is like therapy, I like a mix of genre’s. Nature, particularly being near water, has a therapeutic effect on my soul. A leisurely boat ride amidst lush greenery is my idea of pure bliss! Traveling is a passion, but flying isn't my favourite activity. Despite having explored many places, I now yearn for a serene Swiss lakeside surrounded by mountains or a hot tub with a view of waterfalls.

I'm a multi-faceted individual, challenging to encapsulate in a few sentences. I consider myself an ambivert, relishing both solitude and quality time with my inner circle. My sociability with others depends on the mood and vibe; I tend to be reserved and observant among strangers but can become talkative and engaging once I'm comfortable. While I used to thrive as the life of the party in my youth, intimate gatherings now hold more appeal than large social events. Deep connections are of great value to me, with friendships ranging from meaningful, profound conversations to moments of laughter and playful banter. Laughter is my medicine, and life is too short not to share a good laugh!

I'm a contemplative and analytical thinker, traits that occasionally get the best of me. Expressing myself and articulating my thoughts come naturally. I'm a bit of an organization enthusiast, heavily relying on my trusty to-do lists in my Samsung notes. To the extent that I've even enlisted the help of a cleaner to manage my anxieties around mess. A few more words to try and describe me, I am resilient, logical, talkative, persevering, passionate, comical, creative, strong-minded and thoughtful.

Above all, those who know me well can vouch for my profound love, dedication, and unwavering loyalty, especially when it comes to my chosen family. I'm a work in progress, facing my fair share of struggles. I do sometimes struggle with people in my space, I have some feelings of anxiety around certain things and I have yet to master self-belief as well as self-love. I am the type of person, that once you have my heart- I give my all but that has also been one of my downfalls.
My harshest critic? That would be me! I can be very hard on myself.
However, I'm actively working on granting myself the grace I truly deserve.

As you join me on this adventure, I'm certain you'll gain deeper insights into who I am.